Tehisaru (AI) on kiirelt muutumas turundusmaailma lahutamatuks osaks. Sellel seminaril saad praktilised teadmised ja tööriistad, kuidas tehisaru abil oma turundustöö tõhusamaks muuta.
Seminari pileteid on piiratud koguses. Seminar toimub Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu kolledžis ja sellest võtavad osa ka TÜ Pärnu kolledži üliõpilased.
Pikaajalise kogemusega turundusekspert ja ettevõtja, kellel on tugev tehniline taust ning üle 14 aasta kogemust turunduslahenduste loomisel. Katrin on juhtinud mitmeid ettevõtteid ja töötanud nii väikeste kohalike firmade kui rahvusvaheliste brändidega. Tema unikaalne oskus ühendada tehnoloogia ja turundus teeb temast parima juhendaja, et viia AI turunduses järgmisele tasemele.
Piesta Kuusikaru is a family-owned farm located in Estonia’s scenic Soomaa region, combining rich cultural heritage with modern apple product innovation. Established in 1868 and lovingly restored by the current owners, the farm produces a variety of artisanal apple-based products, including pure apple juice, spiced apple drink, shrub syrup, slowly fermented apple cider vinegar, and award-winning apple stroop. Every product reflects their commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
Beyond production, Piesta Kuusikaru Farm is dedicated to sustainable practices and the principles of the circular bioeconomy. Recognizing the potential of apple residues like pomace, seeds, and peels, the farm actively seeks innovative ways to valorize these by-products into high-value applications. This aligns with their vision of minimizing waste and unlocking new opportunities for environmental and economic sustainability.
Piesta Kuusikaru Farm is eager to collaborate with other similar producers in the region to address shared challenges and explore innovative solutions. By pooling resources, knowledge, and ideas, they aim to foster a stronger network of sustainable producers that collectively advance the circular bioeconomy and create meaningful impacts within the industry.