At Piesta Hackathon we invite you to offer solutions how to transform apple pomace, including its seeds, into valuable products or solutions that are financially sustainable.
We are open to exploring new business opportunities and research collaborations.
Piesta Kuusikaru, an Estonian award-winning producer of premium apple products, is seeking innovative ways to extract value from apple pomace — a by-product of their production process. Currently pomace is transported to a waste management company for composting, but rising transportation costs are making this solution financially unsustainable.
The company is committed to reducing waste, cutting costs, and creating value from residues, not just for itself but potentially for or in collaboration with other similar producers in the region.
Apple pomace, a by-product of apple processing, consists of a mix of peels, pulp, and seeds, with each component offering unique potential. Apple seeds contain oils and bioactive compounds that could be extracted for nutraceuticals or cosmetics, while the remaining biomass is rich in dietary fiber, sugars, and bioactive compounds ideal for food, feed, or bioenergy applications. Separating these components could unlock even greater value, but requires financially viable and scalable solutions.
Depending on the level of development of the proposed ideas/solutions, participants in the Piesta Hackathon will have the chance for either business cooperation or the initiation of joint projects or pilots to test their presented concepts.
As a finalist, you will also get to:
The hackathon is free of charge and open to all innovators, including individuals, entrepreneurs, student start-ups and academic/scientific/research entities. Depending on the level of development of the proposed ideas/solutions, participants in the PIESTA Hackathon will have the chance for either business cooperation or the initiation of joint projects or pilots to test their presented concepts.
The launch webinar is a great opportunity to get insight into extracting value from biomass. The scope of the challenge and detailed schedule of the hackathon process will also be presented, as well as the practical tips about the applying process and participation in Piesta Hackathon.
The application includes your preliminary idea proposal and a short description of the expertise in your team.
Organized as an online event, where participating teams will meet each other, the mentors and the representatives of Piesta Kuusikaru to hear more about the challenge and expectations of Piesta Kuusikaru. Teams will present their preliminary ideas and get feedback for further development.
Have a solution?
Piesta Hackathon will be organized by Pärnu County Development Centre in its Business Incubator (Ringi 35, Pärnu, Estonia). The program will start in the afternoon of 15/05 with mentoring for the participant teams and networking in the evening. On 16/05, there will be a pitching session with presentations on teams’ solution proposals to Piesta Kuusikaru. After Jury deliberation, winner(s) are announced. If you are not able to travel onsite, online participation is also possible.
Svea Uusen, Pärnu County Development Centre,, +372 5051 797
Külli Eller, Piesta Kuusikaru, Külli Eller, OÜ Kuusikaru,, +372 5089 589
Pärnu County Development Centre steers the development of Pärnu County, develops entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education, and civic engagement. We are part of the nationwide network of county development centres all over Estonia. The regional Innovation Hub, which connects the various business development and educational competencies of Pärnu County and is implemented based on the triple helix innovation model, is a future-oriented development accelerator for the whole region of Western Estonia, with focus on facilitating green transition and sustainable development, including circular bioeconomy and renewable energy. We are based in Pärnu, Estonia, but connected worldwide.
JAMK, Jyväskylä University of Applied Science has long experience in organizing hackathons. BioBoosters by JAMK is a Bioeconomy Business Accelerator that aims to create new businesses and globally significant solutions to combat climate change in the international bioeconomy environment. BioBoosters by JAMK’s key tasks are to develop business within bioeconomy and create sustainable business based on new innovations, utilizing new technologies and digitalization, developing abilities and know-how, and building business networks and ecosystems.
Bioboosters project network supports Piesta Hackathon via communication and marketing cooperation. The network features 9 prominent bioeconomy innovation hubs around the Baltic Sea – from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. The BioBoosters project will organize a total of 18 Hackathons to support the sustainability mission of the bioeconomy companies. The project is co-funded via the Interreg BSR program and the European Regional Development Fund.
Piesta Hackathon is implemented and supported as part of the project “BioBoosters – boosting the circular transition“. The aim of this international project is to increase the level of innovation of entrepreneurs in the field of bioeconomy and circular economy.
#bioeconomy #circulareconomy #innovations
Piesta Kuusikaru is a family-owned farm located in Estonia’s scenic Soomaa region, combining rich cultural heritage with modern apple product innovation. Established in 1868 and lovingly restored by the current owners, the farm produces a variety of artisanal apple-based products, including pure apple juice, spiced apple drink, shrub syrup, slowly fermented apple cider vinegar, and award-winning apple stroop. Every product reflects their commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
Beyond production, Piesta Kuusikaru Farm is dedicated to sustainable practices and the principles of the circular bioeconomy. Recognizing the potential of apple residues like pomace, seeds, and peels, the farm actively seeks innovative ways to valorize these by-products into high-value applications. This aligns with their vision of minimizing waste and unlocking new opportunities for environmental and economic sustainability.
Piesta Kuusikaru Farm is eager to collaborate with other similar producers in the region to address shared challenges and explore innovative solutions. By pooling resources, knowledge, and ideas, they aim to foster a stronger network of sustainable producers that collectively advance the circular bioeconomy and create meaningful impacts within the industry.
At PIESTA Hackathon we are interested in solution providers who can offer innovative concepts, technologies, and equipment to effectively utilize the specified residues. The company’s interest ranges from discovering new business opportunities to potentially establishing partnerships in research projects.
The PIESTA Hackathon aims to explore innovative ways to extract value from apple processing biomass by developing local solutions and identifying potential markets. Proposals must account for the seasonal availability and the variability in the quality and quantity of the pomace, amounting to over 20 tons per season.
In evaluating the proposed ideas/solutions, the following aspects will be considered:
1. Innovation and Creativity – does it introduce new approaches, technologies, or ideas to valorize apple pomace; does it address key challenges (e.g., transportation costs, separation efficiency) in an innovative and scalable manner?
2. Practical Feasibility and Scalability – can the proposed solution be realistically implemented using current or near-term technologies; does it align with the scale and capabilities of Piesta and similar small producers?
3. Financial Viability and Sustainability – is the solution financially sustainable for Piesta and other regional producers; does the business model demonstrate a clear path to cost reduction, revenue generation, or both?
4. Collaborative Potential – does the solution encourage regional collaboration among similar producers; are there mechanisms or strategies for pooling resources and maximizing impact?
5. Compliance with the regulatory requirements in Estonia.